Here are our amazing team of educators:

Victoria Lim – Program Director
Victoria Lim has years of experience working in different daycares and at a college as an Early Childhood Education instructor. As she has worked closely with young children, educators in the field, and students who are in training to become educators, she became very alert with the quality of practices in the Early years field. Her biggest passion is to reduce the gap between theories/researches in Early Years and educators’ daily practices with young children at childcare centres. Victoria Studied Psychology at UBC before pursuing Early Childhood Education at Sprott Shaw College. Victoria recognizes mining and nurturing young children’s mind and heart takes more than just doing activities and academic teaching. She has integrated Reggio Emilia, Waldorf, and BC Early learning framework into the curriculum and the practice to ensure children’s holistic development is being supported.
"I am the former ECE Coordinator and Team Lead at Sprott Shaw College. I have known Victoria Lim for approximately five years. Victoria was hired as an ECE Instructor, Practicum Supervisor, and Coordinator at Sprott Shaw College. Victoria was always willing to take on new challenges and she thrived with any task she attempted.
Victoria is passionate about working in the early childhood field. Her focus is based on the best interest of the child. She values relationships with families, colleagues, and the professional community.
Victoria is creative, innovative, and plans engaging experiences for children based on their interests and developmental needs.
Victoria goes above and beyond to ensure families are included and supported. She genuinely cares about the people she works with."
"I have known Victoria Lim for about 4 years now. We worked at the YMCA together and during that time I have seen her interactions and program planning for young children. Victoria is a warm, nurturing and thoughtful educator. She understands that children are individuals and have different needs. She plans developmentally appropriate activities for children and according to their interests. She treats the children in her care with respect and collaborates with parents to support the needs of the child. Victoria is an asset to any team and in the field of child care.”
"I have spent the last few years working alongside Victoria Lim and I have had the privilege of seeing firsthand her love for children. What makes Victoria special goes beyond her passion for children to a deep knowledge and understanding of how children develop and grow. Her standards are extremely high because she knows and understands children and how we as adults and educators should interact and care for them. Victoria is someone very special who has a lot of love, experience, insight and expertise in the Early Childhood Education field and I am lucky to have been able to work and learn from her."
-Alisha Inch-Branches Preschool

Ning Hou – Program Manager
Ning is a fully qualified ECE who has been with Sequoia since March of 2021. Ning has studied education at SFU prior to her study in ECE and has been working in the ECE field as a lead in multiple programs for a few years. She finds herself to connect and serve better in the Early years field after studying both programs. Ning has a very calm and composed approach for young children and is able to provide educational experiences by creating relaxing and playful environment. She also shows strong leadership skills by initiating and leading the team members in the classroom.

Manraj – Operations Manager
Manraj is our Operations manager who joined our team in February 2021 as an Administrative Assistant. She is fully certified as an Early Childhood Educator and has been in the field for over 10 years. She operated a LNR daycare from home while raising her two young children. After taking a short break and her youngest child starting full time school, she decided to get back into the workforce. She enjoys working with both of our Under and Over 3 program and able to flexible support the team as needed!

Analyn Sarin-Ricard- Program Assistant
Analyn has built her experiences as an educator for both infant toddler and 3 to 5 year old classrooms. She has been naturally stepping in to a leader’s role in both teams as everybody looked for support from her. We are excited to see her to grow further as a leader at Sequoia and in this field. We also call her our “Sequoia thrift store” as she brings everything from her home for children to explore!
Over 3 Educator

Cherry Chen
Cherry joined our SEQUOIA last year as a substitute/practicum student. She recently has completed her ECE program and now a certified educator. Cherry loves being active and provide meaningful outdoor experiences for the children. Cherry appreciates each child’s uniqueness and finds a joy in finding different things about each child every day. Cherry understands how to help children feel empowered and independent by allowing them with freedom and making their own choices.

Cristina Sayavong
Cristina started with Sequoia as an Under 3 program educator and now working in our Over 3 program to expand her experiences knowledge with 3 to 5 year old group! Cristina always knows how to engage children with her creativity and energy! It’s always a party time wherever she is with the children. Cristina’s positive energy is a special gift not only for the children but also for the entire team at the centre.

Gloria Sun
Cristina started with Sequoia as a practicum student in 2023 and was happy to be back with us to work as a full-time educator. She has an experience as a school-age teacher back in China and now she wants to explore her passion for younger group of children. Her calm and kind demeanour always attract children and make children feel safe play and explore.
Under 3 Educators

Julie Jung
Julie has joined our team recently in May of 2023 all the way from South Korea. She was a teacher at English Kindergarten back in her home country for 8 years. She is warm, caring and very loving towards children that everyone wants to go to her for additional cuddles and hugs all the time. She is very excited to learn and further grow as an educator in Canada!

Ashley Natividad
Ashley has joined our team in the beginning of January 2024 as a full-time educator! She has studied her ECE basic, Infant/toddler and special needs. We crossed path when she was a practicum student and we fell in love with her gentle approach towards young children with love and kindness.

Candy Chang
Candy decided join our Sequoia family in 2023 September. She had been working in the field for almost 8 years until then. Her passion is to help children to find their voice and themselves so they can be a confident and competent selves in the future. Candy always surprise her colleagues with her detailed and creative perspectives of children’s development.